Sunday Sermon

John 12:1-8, “anointing Jesus with pure nard”Today’s scripture is chosen from John 12:1- 8, and it is about Mary, a sister of Lazarus, again anointing Jesus’ feet with pure nard for his burialContinue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Mark 9:14-29, “Help me overcome my unbelief!”
Today’s chosen text comes from Mark 9: 14-29, which describes the scene Of Jesus and his disciples coming down from the Transfiguration Mountain, and they saw a large crowd and scribes arguing with them. As they arrived, Jesus asked them
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A word from the pastore

“Loving God,
During the sacred season of Lent, bring us closer to you. Prepare a place in our homes and hearts for silence and solitude, so that we may re-discover the grace of a prayer-full life.

Help us to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of body and soul and remind us Continue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:32-39, Mark 9:2-5, “Jesus prayed”
Last week, we covered who can become intercessors, bringing people to Christ through prayers. Today, we will focus on how much Jesus prayed and what was Jesus’ dream, picking up where we left off last week.
Jesus lived a very busy life with healing, driving out demons, …Continue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:29-39, “Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them!”

Today’s text comes from Mark 1:29-39; let us hear what God wants to say to us through this text.
The gospel of Mark is considered the earliest gospel written among the four synoptic gospels, and the author, John Mark, was the interpreter of Peter for his speech and writing in Greek, so it was believed that John Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark “under the guidance of the apostle Peter.”
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Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:14-20, “Follow me, I will make you fish for people!
Today’s text is very well-known. Let us hear what God says to us on the last Sunday of January of this new year.
Since we all know the texts, let’s review the points we already know and examine ourselves aligning with what we need to do in obedience.
We first notice that what Jesus started proclaiming about the kingdom of God was almost the same message that John the Baptist proclaimed, except for one thing. That is, Jesus added in proclaiming the kingdom of God, “the time is fulfilled” in verse 15. Jesus was saying that God’s promise that the Messiah would come and save Continue Reading

A word from the pastore

The other day, I had a conversation with my chaplain colleague at the hospital, who told me the news about a physician who has decided to return permanently to his country, Ghana. She continued sharing how she could see the joy and happiness that seemed to exude from his whole body when he returned from visiting his home in Africa. She curiously looked at me and asked whether I was the same way. Without hesitation, I replied, “My home is here in the States since, for me, home is where my mom, dad, and family are! Though my parents are no longer living, their bodies are buried Continue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, “We are fearfully and wonderfully made!”
Today’s text, Psalm 139, is a well-known and well-loved psalm that begins with expressing God’s infinite knowledge about humans. From verses 1-6, God searched, as in examined, everything a person does, thinks, and says, even before those actions occur. This is a source of comfort for ….Continue Reading