A word from the pastore

“Loving God,
During the sacred season of Lent, bring us closer to you. Prepare a place in our homes and hearts for silence and solitude, so that we may re-discover the grace of a prayer-full life.

Help us to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of body and soul and remind us Continue Reading

A word from the pastore

The other day, I had a conversation with my chaplain colleague at the hospital, who told me the news about a physician who has decided to return permanently to his country, Ghana. She continued sharing how she could see the joy and happiness that seemed to exude from his whole body when he returned from visiting his home in Africa. She curiously looked at me and asked whether I was the same way. Without hesitation, I replied, “My home is here in the States since, for me, home is where my mom, dad, and family are! Though my parents are no longer living, their bodies are buried Continue Reading