Sunday Sermon

John 12:1-8, “anointing Jesus with pure nard”Today’s scripture is chosen from John 12:1- 8, and it is about Mary, a sister of Lazarus, again anointing Jesus’ feet with pure nard for his burialContinue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Mark 9:14-29, “Help me overcome my unbelief!”
Today’s chosen text comes from Mark 9: 14-29, which describes the scene Of Jesus and his disciples coming down from the Transfiguration Mountain, and they saw a large crowd and scribes arguing with them. As they arrived, Jesus asked them
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Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:32-39, Mark 9:2-5, “Jesus prayed”
Last week, we covered who can become intercessors, bringing people to Christ through prayers. Today, we will focus on how much Jesus prayed and what was Jesus’ dream, picking up where we left off last week.
Jesus lived a very busy life with healing, driving out demons, …Continue Reading