Word from the Pastor

When I first started being a pastor in Oblong, Illinois, I wanted to get to know people in the community, not just our church members. A couple of months passed after I started attending functions and visiting people in the nursing homes; I was told by my visitation companion that this particular elderly lady I wished to visit didn’t like me at all; she didn’t even want to see my face. I thought, ‘She doesn’t even know me;what could I possibly have done to make her dislike me?’ When prompted, Roannav explained that her brother had died in the Korean War, so she didn’t want anything to do with Koreans. I understood instantly and felt very sorry for the grief she was still going through, having heartaches and longing for her brother. Until then,whenever I encountered or heard of Korean veterans, I expressed sincere gratitude’s toward their services and sacrifices for Korea’s freedom and prosperity. But I never felt the depth of their sacrifice, how those soldiers who shed their blood on the Korean peninsula may have affected their family members. From then on, at each memorial and Veterans Day, I take time to remember those forgotten and lost soldiersin Korea and other foreign countries, thanking them from the bottom of my heart.The table Mary set for education purposes for our children each year, teaching them to remember those soldiers who haven’t returned still has been a profound reminder,touching deeply the core of my being. Our freedom is paid with a very high price. I pray that we do not take our freedom for granted.

I came across the prayer down below
said on Independence Day:

“On this Independence Day, I am
reminded of all those who have
sacrificed for my freedom, following
the example of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let me not take my freedom, both
physical and spiritual, for granted.
May I always remember that my
freedom was purchased with a very
high price. My freedom cost others
their very lives.

Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my
freedom. With favor and bounty, meet their needs and watch over their families.
Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give me the strength to be a
blessing in someone else’s life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others
into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ.”

In the month of Independence Day, this is my prayer for our people:
Lord Jesus, help us give you our most heartfelt thanks for your sacrifice and
bloodshed for our liberty, salvation, and eternal life! Amen!!!