Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:29-39, “Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them!”

Today’s text comes from Mark 1:29-39; let us hear what God wants to say to us through this text.
The gospel of Mark is considered the earliest gospel written among the four synoptic gospels, and the author, John Mark, was the interpreter of Peter for his speech and writing in Greek, so it was believed that John Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark “under the guidance of the apostle Peter.”
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Sunday Sermon

Mark 1:14-20, “Follow me, I will make you fish for people!
Today’s text is very well-known. Let us hear what God says to us on the last Sunday of January of this new year.
Since we all know the texts, let’s review the points we already know and examine ourselves aligning with what we need to do in obedience.
We first notice that what Jesus started proclaiming about the kingdom of God was almost the same message that John the Baptist proclaimed, except for one thing. That is, Jesus added in proclaiming the kingdom of God, “the time is fulfilled” in verse 15. Jesus was saying that God’s promise that the Messiah would come and save Continue Reading

Sunday Sermon

Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, “We are fearfully and wonderfully made!”
Today’s text, Psalm 139, is a well-known and well-loved psalm that begins with expressing God’s infinite knowledge about humans. From verses 1-6, God searched, as in examined, everything a person does, thinks, and says, even before those actions occur. This is a source of comfort for ….Continue Reading